I am indeed tardy in talking about Caroline's visit. While this wasn't her first visit, she had not been for a couple of years (!) so we had much to carch up on here in Seattle. On her first day we stopped for that all-American item - a hamburger, on our way home from the airport. That afternoon we had a somewhat delayed Christmas gift exchange. But such fun. We really missed Dieuwke and were sad that she wAs not well enough to come along. Caro promised to bring her gifts along to her.
Our first big outing was the Quilter's Anonymous Quilt Show at the Monroe Fair Grounds.

Very ordered sashing with crazy quilt type of centers. Interesting.
More than 500 quilts plus about 25 vendors. We showed great restraint and only bought a few things. Honest!
Monday was breakfast with two of our RV friends who had cycled with us in the Netherlands two years ago. Much fun. We tried to visit one of the local quilt stores but a big wind storm came up and just as we entered the store all the power and lights went out in the store. No shopping today.
Tuesday while I did my babysitting duties, Caro used her skills to take bus downtown, all on her own. Again, only a little quilt shopping. She tried the crumpet shop, but it was closed on Tuesday.

Caro has been here enough to know this.
That evening was a birthday celebration dinner at Salty's on Alki. Alki is the land where the Denny family landed when they first came from New York to begin the settlement of Seattle.

My secret project I couldn't show.
Next blog with next days.