On Monday, I went to the January meeting of CTA. It was my turn, along with 4 others, to bring snacks for our meeting. We have a couple of gals who coordinate snacks each month and always provide fun decorations.
The trees are some sort of very stiff felt. Aren't they cute? We always have a Show and Tell time - items that the gals have made,
As you can see, a variety of projects, using a sewing machine.
Tuesday was babysitting - one my highlights of the week,
Stashbusters was Thursday -[this is my local quilt bee.] People bring the things they are working on to show all of us. Later in the spring, we will begin our annual joint quilt - which we all share in making.
Judy's baseball quilt celebrating the Boston Red Sox |
We've decided to do a 2 1/2 inch strip swap. We had, of course, much conversation about what colors we would use. We decided that we would build our swap around the 2014 Color of the Year: Orchid,
This week-end we joined 8 of our friends from the RVW group. We rented a house on Camano Island, through Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO). While the weather was quite dreary and grey, we had a fabulous time. We ate and talked and laughed, ate more, talked more and watched several episodes of the old TV show, The Carol Burnett Show. Again, much more laughing. Great fun! And lots and lots of games. Mosty Five Crowns, Hand and Foot and Wizard.
I worked on my little applique project. I didn't finish, but working on it,
Happy days, all.
Beautiful,quilta and fun meetings, what more can you want. No Blue monday for us quilter's is there?