Friday, June 13, 2014

Ain't life grand?

Well, at least I think mine is terrific.  So many fun things happening.

Monday was CTA.  Our skills lesson was using a "French Curve" for shaping pattern pieces, especially when alterations are required.  Our speaker was the Umbrella Lady.  She sells the frame, patterns and teaches classes.  How fun to think about an umbrella unlike anyone else.  We ended the year with our annual salad and dessert potluck.  Oh so tasty.

It's really hard to do this all justice and not gain a gazillion pounds

I made peach upside down gingerbread.  One of my favorites.

I had my girls on Tuesday.  The school year is about over, so just one more regularly scheduled date

Wednesday was a work party day for CTA for the Stanwood Summer Fair.  We make a fabric animal that kids are allowed to stuff and sew closed.  Our task was 150 chickens, helped with 4 cutters and 4 sewers,

We were working at Shirley's summer cabin.  Wonderful outlook

Thursday was my regular church ladies bridge group.  I didn't win the high score.  :-(

Friday (today) was strawberry freezer jam day (after jazzercise).  I didn't make strawberry last year, so had some catching up to do.  Luckily, a berry farm about 70 miles away has a farm stand very nearby - so no excuses for not enjoying some fabulous berries.

When all was said and done, we actually made 30 pots of jam.  So I guess we can have a couple to give away and have lots of fresh strawberry flavor all winter.

Our friends Maggie and Di arrive tomorrow from Great Britain and on Sunday Yvonne and Alex arrive from Noordwijk, Netherlands.  Busy days.

1 comment:

  1. You sure are busy, busy, things though all of them. Love the strawberries. See you soon!
