Despite some really lousy weather, Memorial Day has come along and now is over. We survived, keeping dry in our patched and resealed RV. Rain is a challenge for any RV, but in the northwest, it is a major reality. We picked up Saskia at the service locale, attached the car and headed to Mossyrock. For those who are unfamiliar, Mossyrock is approximately 2 1/2 hours south of Seattle. Along the way, someone drove past honking their horn and pointing. We immediately pulled over, realizing that two of the bin doors were unlocked and flapping as we hurried down the road (all within the legal speed limit). Unfortunately, we also discovered that apparently we had not hooked the car correctly to the RV and the emergency cables were what was holding the car behind the RV. Phew! and Thank Goodness. So we unhitched the car and drove it separately from the RV to our campground. We had a really fun week-end with some of this and some of that, lots of games, learning "Hand and Foot" and "Chicken Foot". We played Five Crowns and Mexican Train. It was a delightful time. It proved to be an excellent test for our newly sealed roof cap - as we had rain and rain and then some more rain. If it was dry as we walked to the clubhouse, it was raining when it was time to come out. We learned to "never leave home without it" - that being your umbrella! All of this to say, that there were very few photos, as the lovely scenery wasn't so nice in the wet. I did get two photos of the view out our front window,
There's a lake behind the first row of trees |
It really is a very nice park.
We decided to avoid as much of the traffic as we could, coming home, so didn't leave until today. As we couldn't re-hook the car to the RV (apparently we bent a piece of the hitch) so drove separately to the Service locale and had them fix the attachment, as well as repair the electrical connection that puts the steps out when you open the RV door. We couldn't avoid a piece of tire that was on the roadway (some truck had a blow out) and apparently it managed to catch the wiring under the stairs and broke that. Ah the joy of owning an RV. [I hear that boats are the same or even worse!]
She is now parked, happily, in her storage lot until the next trip out in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I can show you a couple of things I have managed to get finished or close to finishing.
Here's a dolly blanket for Brennan - practicing a really nice stitch.
I have managed to finish up the top of my Spakenburger wall hanging
and have finished my little flag hanging, that Caro and I each made, just like Yvonne,
[it's my photography, not the work - it's really very cute.]
We have been enjoying one of our souvenirs,
Gouda cheese.
And there you have it. Now to press hard and get a 1600 quilt made before the RV group auction in August. I watched Caro make one while we were there, so it should sure be do-able even with some distractions between now and then. Lots of dirty laundry from 6 days on the road. :-)