Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday's day-end report

We are overnighting in Valemount, British Columbia.  We drove out of Jasper National Park this morning.  Everyone has been really trying to see "critters" and thus far our list includes: birds, squirrels,  coyotes, 1 black bear, 1 elk and 6 or 8 big horn sheep.  We even got up quite early one morning and headed out looking, but  were only able to spot the bear.  Several folks had seen moose and elk, but they avoided us.

Our adventures and enjoyment of this trip really continues.  We weren't sure before we began if this would be "our" thing, but we are traveling with 22 rigs (20 motorhomes and 2 fifth-wheel trailers).  Most of these people are very interesting, well-traveled folks with many great stories to share.  I guess it means that should we be traveling the U.S. we might have some more folks to visit.

And so, here's Thursday's adventures and a couple of photos from today.  A tram ride up to 7400+ ft.  We had breakfast up there.

then in the afternoon, we drove up to Malign canyon and lake.  
Unfortunately, this takes waaaaay too long to upload photos, so more pictures will have to wait for a quicker connection (somewhere).  I can report an interesting story, Malign creek actually used to run underground, but over the eons the water wore the rock away and the top rocks feel through and thus, uncovered the creek.  This is part of what you can see.  Our guide told us that 2 years ago there was so much snow that during the spring melt, the water was up to the level of that tree you can see between the rock walls.  That is a huge difference, heh?  We ultimately drove up to Malign Lake, which virtually dries up during the fall and winter and then re-fills in the spring.  We went out in a boat on the lake.  It has already gone down about 1 foot.  

Today we left Jasper and headed southwest into British Columbia.  Tonight in Valemount, BC.  Tomorrow we are headed to Cache Creek.  Fun, huh?  More photos when we get some faster internet.

1 comment:

  1. We are following your travels on the map here. So good to read you are having a great time and that you have seen so much wildlife, especially the bear!
