Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday - no, not much internet is available

Takkakawa Falls

The days are whizzing past.  We are mostly staying in national parks and thus no wi-fi is available.  Today it is a visit to an Internet store.  So here is a sampling of the amazing things that we are seeing.  Can't remember where I left you - we visited Canmore, Alberta.  Then we had two days in Lake Louise and now we are in Jasper.  This is about as far north as we will travel, then we will start our journey west and south.  I have to say a big "bravo" for Fastasy RV Tours - thus far everything has been great and we are having a fun time.
Overpass built to allow animals to cross the highway

Just everyday scenery as we drive along

Hike up Johnston canyon to see the falls

Moraine Lake

Friends Janine and Bob, lunch buffet at Chateau Lk. Louise
Lake Louise
Chateau Lk. Louise
It really is amazing.  Just another day in paradise.  A quick visit to the Columbia Icefield, Athabasca Glacier,



  1. That scenery is truly amazing Marne! Looks like you are having FUN!
    Good to know in advance that then internet is bad up there, I will keep that in mind.
