Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday after

And so, to show you my bounty.  In Wenatchee, I did find a couple of things.  I tried to buy two other patterns, but this is a very small shop and she didn't have the patterns - just the samples.  So I will try to re-create them from memory.  And so, I found,
a cute little pattern - sorry about the flash, but it shows the picture best

Caro, what can you make with these cute little squares?

I did visit the Leavenworth quilt shop.  Again, they didn't have the patterns I was looking for, but did have a couple of cute ones, so what else does a girl do?  Buy them!
I love the one on the right with the embroidered, covered buttons.  I'd never thought about that - isn't it so cute?  The hotpad pattern is very easy for an RV friend to learn how.

And so to the accompaniment of internet radio (Radiotwee) I made some hearty fresh soup for supper:
onion, leeks, carrots, cabbage, barley and some left-over wurst.  [It was very easy Caro.]  Also, I made pear sauce, approx. 60 ounces - 3600 grams (however much that is in kg.)
It's now ready for the freezer.  And I still have at least that much left for other cooking plans.  Oh yummy.  Happy first week of Autumn, allemal.


  1. Wow.....three blogposts. So much to see and read. What a beautiful pictures of your fun trip. It seems the weather is still nice too. The pear sauce sounds delicious, never tried it and the soup .......yummie! Do you have new quilting plans in mind? Hope you find the pattern you are looking for.

  2. I love that quilt with the Asian prints, and so easy too! I love how the the sashing is kinda busy, but the monochromatic nature makes it work!
