Monday, March 31, 2014

March is "finally" ending

On the news tonight, the weather person reported that we have had over 9.4 inches of rain, in this month alone.  The average March monthly total is 3.7 inches.  I keep paying attention to the weather in Amsterdam (for my Dutch friends) and they have been having several days of sunshine - and I have been so jealous.
[notice what happens to the picnic table cover - it fills up with rain water.]

But it did improve for Sunday afternoon, when our friends Susan and Christophe came for a "tea party".  Great fun!
And they brought some sweet narcissus,

Otherwise, I have been working on my Leanne's Block of the month, by Leanne Beasley. [I think I told you the wrong designer last post.  Apologies.]  Onto Block two.

Most of the stems complete - now to finish the flowers for this block.

We have now begun the final count-down to the church rummage sale (rommelmarkt).  Today's job was to set up tables and start setting out which books go on which table.  Tomorrow it is babysitting day and then back on Wednesday (after a brief coffee date with friend Alayne, finally back up here from her winter Palm Springs stay).  Thursday evening is the official opening of the Superfluity Sale.  That is the time that the professional book dealers come [and I stay away].  I will be working on Friday, most of the day.  And then Saturday morning and then we close up shop for another year.  [and everyone comes home and collapses.  :-> ]

Happy spring everyone.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hip Hip Hurray!

Guess who is 1 year old now?

And my big sister chose the cake and the frosting!
[Of course, she also helped Nana to mix it and put it in the pan.  Finally after naps, it cooled enough to put the frosting on it and then to put all the sprinkles on top.  Very proud!]

I especially enjoyed peas for my dinner.

Life is pretty exciting these days!

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Rains were raining

The news tonight reported that thus far in March (just over half of the month) we have had twice as much rain as is normal.   I can sure believe that.  It just bucketed all week-end on our first RV outing.  It is a good thing that we have so much fun, that even dreadful weather can't dampen our spirits.

The ever-popular potlucks, a game (or 2) of Texas Hold'em and a chance to polish up our bowling skills.  (for many of us, the last time bowling was 2 years ago when we went to this same RV park and nearby bowling alley.)  Great Fun!

Last week was our usual Stashbusters gathering.  A few of the projects folks are working on

And I have had a chance to work on a couple of projects, myself
Little humbug bag

A border for my Lozenges (a la Bonnie Hunter, Leaders and Enders)

And at long, long last I finished the first block of the Leanne Anderson Block of the Month pattern.  For this one I did all the embroidery before assembling the block.  I then went back and re-read the directions which said to assemble first, then embroider.  So will try that order of working on Block 2.  We shall see which way I prefer to work on it.

Stay dry!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Almost officially spring

Well, on Thursday, it WILL be spring.  Of course we know that doesn't always (often?) produce lovely, spring-like weather, but soon.

My little 'baby-sitting' girls and an up-coming birthday (1 year old).

I got a border on my lozenges, but need to take a photo.  Also am about finished with a couple of "Mug Rugs".  And I have seriously started working on my Lynette Anderson pattern.  [a mighty, mighty old UFO - MMOUFO?]  YEAH!!!!

 Today we are off for our first RVing adventure for 2014.  Yeah. (again)  Always lots and lots of fun.  Supposed to rain all week-end, but I'll have the camera and see what I get.  The theme is High School Reunion - oh my!

And a birthday for friend Caroline - although who is still counting?

Good days to you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will Spring come?

We did have a few minutes of bright weather, so I HAD to go out for a walk.  Just because.  A couple of things I found along the way,

We have had so much rain (I'm sorry California), that any little break has to be enjoyed.  I even found this guy,
Isn't he fun?  One house had the most amazing tiles on either side of the garage door.

Of course, I have to share my little funny ones.  Talk about "hamming" it up for the camera ----
They were watching a counting and colors video,

I have been working, leisurely, on a Bonnie Hunter "use it up" kind of a project.  This one is called "Lozenges".  Kind of fun.

I'm up to 6 wide and 7 long.  Not sure what it is for, so not sure how big to make it.  But kind of fun.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Another Busy Week

Now please understand that I am really not complaining.  I love my life and while it may seem a bit chaotic from time to time, it is such fun to get to do all the things I do.  And so, what happened this week?

Books continue to "pour" into the church rummage sale preparations.  Each Wednesday we spend a couple of hours sorting them (loosely) into general categories.  It is quite pleasant to visit with the other sorters and if one happens to find something they just can't live without, we are allowed to "pre-buy".  Most years it's a good way to get a year's worth of books for a very nominal sum and then we can just donate them back the next year.

After a dentist visit, it was time to visit the Puyallup Fair Grounds for the Sewing Expo.  If you are not familiar with this (actually nationally famous) Sewing and Stitchery Expo, it is held on the Puyallup Fair Grounds, in the Pavilion, Camplex and a number of heated tents.  I cannot remember exactly but I believe there is something like 15-20,000 people who attend each year.  There are seminars held each day (1 needle classes) of 45 minutes, up to all day classes (4 needle classes) on virtually every topic you can think of related to sewing, quilting, knitting, crafting, etc. etc. etc.  If nothing more, it just fills your eyes, ears and minds with ideas.

So many ideas.  Of course, there are things to buy, beyond your imagination.  I did a little looking for some more of my lilac and grey, but mostly got overwhelmed and decided to wait for a quieter time.  As a CTA, we volunteer to "work" at the Expo.  We work in the classrooms, collecting tickets, introducing the speaker and generally just trying to be helpful.  Did that on Thursday.  On Friday, I 'worked' at one of the free stages (no tickets required) with demonstrations and fashion shows.

Another year, I will choose a quieter week-end.  Because on Saturday, we met four friends at the Bike Expo.  We wanted to see what they were showing/selling/promoting and to get to meet (for the 4 of them) the folks who organize our bicycle trip - upcoming in August.

While we didn't buy a lot, we did a lot of looking and planning.  And they got lots of questions answered.  But keeping with that same theme, we headed home for a "Dutch" evening.  We enjoyed three different kinds of gouda (cheese) and Belgian beer.   and then all shared a Gourmetten dinner.
You cook your own meat (pork, chicken, beef and salmon) and also have salad and bread.  Lots of sauces.  It is such a fun way to have dinner (which takes a long time).  Our friends Linda and Lynda stayed over.  We started the morning, after breakfast, with a couple of rounds of "Hand and Foot" - a card game, similar to Canasta.

This evening we are joining our friends Bill and Jim and four others from our church for  dinner.  Most of them (not Bill or I) graduated from the same college, so we thought it would be just kind of fun to have a little "reunion" get-together.  It also happens to be the Academy Awards on TV this evening, so we will watch that, as well.

A pretty busy last few days, no?  Next week should calm down a bit, but still "keeping ourselves amused".  Hope you are having some fun adventures in your spring - March already!