Monday, February 17, 2014

Corona del Mar

With precious friends and family, I am truly blessed, over and over again.  Our sweet friend Laura opened her home to us and shared and shared and shared.  On Saturday afternoon, she took us on a drive around parts of southern California I had not seen.  So different from the desert scenes of the previous days,

The lovely Pacific Ocean.  And some very classy residences,

We ended the day with pizza and a beer.  And then a visit to the most amazing bakery - where we found some amazing treats for breakfast.  And then it was time to end this frivolity and head home.  After two weeks of sunshine and warm, warm days, tonight's weatherman reported thus far this month there have been over 4 inches of rain.  Oh yuk!  At least we missed two weeks worth of rain.

Tomorrow my babysitting duties return.  The bigger "grands" are coming this week-end and later next week it is time for the Sewing and Stitchery Expo.  Happenings galore.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Looks like you had a great time. It feels like you have been away for ages. Caro

  2. Wow....I had a lot to read and some beautiful pictures to watch! Great trip that you made to a part I have never been to. It looks wonderful, especially the nice weather in winter!
